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User manual

Grand Launcher it is very easy to use..
After all, a few tips will be useful :


  1. The operating system version: Android 6.0 or higher
  2. Grand Phone - app for phone functionality
  3. Grand SMS - app for messaging (SMS and MMS)
  4. Screen size: min. 480x800 px, 4 inches
  5. Proximity sensor
  6. Battery: min. 1100 mAh

Change the main screen

  1. After installing the application Grand Launcher it should be set as the default home screen.
  2. Press the "Home" button (the middle button of the smartphone under the screen or the button on the screen with the home or circle icon) on the smartphone to open the list of suggested applications and select Grand Launcher.
  3. If you want to change the main screen (eg return to the default system home screen), open


    , choose SETTINGS , and DEFAULTS and then HOME SCREEN.
    On smartphones with Android 5 and newer, a window will appear with a list of applications that can be the main screens.
    On smartphones with an older system than Android 5, the default settings of the active home screen in the system should be cleared.
    If you have a problem with setting the application Grand Launcher as the main screen, try to reinstall it.


  1. In the window OPTIONS the following items are available:
    • PASSWORD - allows you to set a password that prevents accidental changes to settings or blocks unauthorized access.

      - the main application settings regarding sound, appearance and operation.
    • ABOUT - basic information about the application
  2. OPTIONS you can set as a shortcut on the button in



  1. Open


    and then select the button SETTINGS
  2. The following entries are available in the SETTINGS window:

        : means that the application will take over the role of the home screen instead of the less-accessible system screen. Please set Grand Launcher app.
      • PHONE : - the application will take over the role of making and receiving phone calls. Please set Grand Phone app.
      • MESSAGES : - the application will take over the function of receiving and sending an SMS or MMS message. Please set Grand SMS app.
      • NOTIFICATIONS : - means that the application will take control of system notifications. Then notifications regarding missed calls or SMS messages will be shown in an accessible way in the application window
      • DRAW ON TOP : - optional setting, supporting the operation of the application

    • EDIT : you can edit any text in app and translate to other language or modify for better understanding for user
    • IMPORT : you can import language from file (lang.json). Default destination of file is app directory: /Android/data/com.cuplesoft.launcher.grandlauncher/files
    • EXPORT : you can export language to file (lang.json). Default destination of file is app directory: /Android/data/com.cuplesoft.launcher.grandlauncher/files
    • DEFAULTS : back to default settings
  4. SOUND:
    • VOLUME:
      SYSTEM : YES - means that the application does not interfere with the volume settings, and the control is done simply by the buttons of the smartphone or system settings.
      SYSTEM : NO means that the application takes full control of the volume, and its change takes place only through the application buttons LEVEL UP i LEVEL DOWN. In addition, the physical buttons of the smartphone are blocked, which prevents accidental silencing of the smartphone.
    • VOICE -


      , which can be used by a blind person. The application can also inform by voice who is calling by saying the name of the contact.
      MENU : YES - enabled voice assistant for the menu
      INCOMING CALLS : YES - enabled assistant to say a contact name during an incoming call.

      Warning! The minimum requirements for the VOICE function are Android 6 or newer.

    • RINGTONE : YES/NO means that the application will play the ringing tone during an incoming call. This is a useful option on smartphones where there are problems with the ringing tone
  5. VIEW:
    • FONT SIZE - the ability to change the font size in the application using the GREATHER or SMALLER button.
    • COLORS - the ability to change colors for elements of user interface
      • EDIT : you can change color for header of window, background of window, text, buttons
      • IMPORT : you can import colors from file (colors.json). Default destination of file is app directory: /Android/data/com.cuplesoft.launcher.grandlauncher/files
      • EXPORT : you can export current colors to file (colors.json). Default destination of file is app directory: /Android/data/com.cuplesoft.launcher.grandlauncher/files
      • DEFAULTS : back to default settings
    • ON TOP : YES/NO - enabling this setting prevents accidental activation of another application or provides controlled blocking of other applications.
    • FULL SCREEN : YES/NO - allows to display application on the entire screen
  6. OTHERS:
    • PROXIMITY SENSOR : YES/NO - the ability to disable the proximity sensor
    • VIBRA : YES/NO - vibration after pressing the button
    • SHOW NUMBER : YES/NO - the ability to show the phone number in the main menu at the bottom of the screen
    • SHOW OPTIONS : YES/NO - allows you to enable an additional OPTIONS button in the application windows.
    • LOCK SCREEN : YES/NO - you can turn off built in lock screen of app
  7. ABOUT - basic information about the application

Main menu

  1. You can modify the menu by setting various functions on individual buttons.
  2. To change the selected button, hold it down until the window opens FEATURES.
  3. Choose one of the available:
    PHONE - allows easy making calls and access to contacts,
    MESSAGES - allows you to easily send and receive text and multimedia messages (MMS),
    LIGHT - function of quick switching on the flashlight (camera lamp needed),
    PHOTOS - taking photos and access to the built-in gallery,
    SILENT - fast turning on the silencing of the smartphone
    SHORTCUT - shortcut to any application installed in the system
    APPLICATIONS - access to all applications installed in the system, quick launch of the most frequently used applications,
    HELP - SOS function, allows for a quick phone connection to the selected number in the event of an emergency
    OPTIONS - shortcut to the main application options
    EMPTY - the button will be removed and there will be an empty space in its place. To add the button in this place, hold your finger in this area for longer.
    NEXT - setting this button function allows you to go to the new main menu page. By adding this button on each following page, you can create a menu with multiple screens.
    BACK - setting this button function allows you to go back to previous page of main menu.
    LOCK - allows you to lock screen.
    CONTACTS - allows you to add a shortcut to any contact from the phone book to the main menu.


  1. This feature is available by additional app Grand Phone. In the main menu, select PHONE and then one of the options:
    • CALLS - this is a list of recent incoming and outgoing calls. Select from the selected contact or unknown number to quickly make a call. There are available OPTIONS as below::
      • ADD CONTACT - Add unknown number to contacts
      • MESSAGE - Shortcut to quick response through text message
      • BLOCK - Block unknown number or contact. After that incoming calls will bee rejected automatically and text messages will be ignored. Blocked contact will be not visible in CONTACTS To move back this number or contact to accepted please go to BLOCKED option and remove it from the list of blocked.
      • REMOVE ALL - Remove calls history
    • CONTACTS - contact list saved on your smartphone. Select the selected contact from the list or search for it using a friendly keyboard that prompts subsequent letters. There are available OPTIONS as below: :
      • MESSAGE - Shortcut to quick response through text message
      • BLOCK - Block unknown number or contact. After that incoming calls will bee rejected automatically and text messages will be ignored. Blocked contact will be not visible in CONTACTS To move back this number or contact to accepted please go to BLOCKED option and remove it from the list of blocked.
      • EDIT

      • REMOVE
    • ENTER NUMBER - numeric keypad for entering the number manually.
  2. During the conversation, the SPEAKER button is visible on the screen, which is used to activate the handsfree mode.
  3. Also is visible button for tone buttons. This function is useful when making calls to answering machines.
  4. Select the REJECT button to end the conversation.

Editing contacts

  1. To add a new contact, select PHONE, then hold CONTACTS for a long time until you reach the OPTIONS : CONTACTS window.
    Select ADD, enter the new number and then the name of the new contact.
    To delete the last letter or number, press the text box above the keyboard.
    To save a new contact, select OK.
  2. To add a contact from the call history, select PHONE then CALLS.
    Hold down the key on which the UNKNOWN contact remains until you reach the OPTIONS: CALL window.
    Choose ADD CONTACT. Enter the name of the new contact and save with OK.
  3. To edit an existing contact, select PHONE then CONTACTS. Long press the button with the contact's name until the OPTIONS: CONTACT window appears.
    Select EDIT NUMBER OR EDIT NAME to change contact information.

Searching contacts

  1. To search for a contact, select PHONE then CONTACTS and then SEARCH.
  2. Using the keyboard, start entering the name of the contact or phone number.
    The name and number of the most-fitting contact will appear in the text field above the keyboard.
    Each time you press the keyboard button, letters or numbers disappear that do not match the results of your search.
    To delete the last letter or number, press the text box above the keyboard.
    Thanks to this innovative method, you'll find the right contact easier and faster.
  3. To confirm the contact, select OK.

Battery and signal

  1. In the main menu at the top of the screen there are indicators of GSM signal and battery level.
  2. On the left there is a GSM signal strength indicator, which shows an approximate level from 0-4.
    Press the signal indicator to know the exact value of the network coverage expressed in percent.
  3. On the right side there is a battery indicator, which shows an approximate level from 0-4.
    During charging, the indicator will flash indicating the loading progress.
    After clicking the battery indicator, the information with the exact charge value in percent and the time elapsed since last charging will appear.

Voice assistant

  1. Voice Assistant allows the application to be operated by people with poor or poor vision. This is possible with the help of speech synthesis, which allows the emission of messages.
    Just touch the screen and the assistant will read which button has been selected.
    If you want to click the selected button, lift your finger and press again.
    The voice assistant will tell you who is calling, allows you to read and write SMS messages, check the time and date and much more.
  2. To turn on the voice assistant open


    , choose SETTINGS and SOUND and then VOICE.
    set ENABLED : YES
  3. For the function to work properly it is necessary to download an additional application (plugin)
  4. "Voice Assistant - Plugin"

    If there is no plugin in the system, after selecting ENABLED : YES , an appropriate message will appear. When we agree, the plugin will be downloaded and installed.

  5. Grand Launcher uses speech synthesis "Google Text-to-Speech" (min. version 3.9)


  1. You can change any application text yourself. Then you can change the language or adapt the text to your own preferences.
  2. Text editing is possible through the built-in editor available in the


  3. After selecting the export option EXPORT, the current text will be saved to the lang.json file, to app directory: /Android/data/com.cuplesoft.launcher.grandlauncher/files. Then you can download this file to your computer and edit it in any text editor.
  4. Warning! After each text change, you must change the version number to a greater. To do this, set the version number in the file headers and change the value version.
  5. If you want you can upload your own lang.json file with the text translated into another language.
    Here is the list of available application user files: